Since my teenager years I’ve been using the internet quite a lot and, with that, learning many on many different topics. Such was only possible because of the large amount of educational content provided by “anonymous” people through blogs, forums and video channels. Probably because of that, I always felt admired by this spirit of free and open sharing and mutual help.
From early on, I’ve found myself thinking about creating a blog or a video channel about “How to program” or something similar, that would allow me to give back what I’ve learned, but I always came across other great content providers that were making it much better than I would probably ever done.
Today with my studies course reaching its end, my master thesis arriving and my attention focusing on Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics I feel that the uniqueness of information that I would be capable to produce is greater and time is right to, once for all, create such web page. Also, this will be most valuable for me by serving as an alive showcase of what i’m doing and my interests as well as an extra motivation to learn and explore more. (You may find that this is not a novelty on my life by reading my About page.)
So, in this blog you may expect to find content about AI, CV, Robotics and other computer related topics. These could appear in two types of posts: experiments/toy projects or supper summaries of “complex” subjects that I find possible to compress without lose to much. It is also possible that I explore here some of my philosophical ideas that often lie between natural intelligence/consciousnesses and the artificial counterpart. Finally, I may be sharing here some of the 5 minutes ideas that I have through the day and that I would like to work on if I had the number of lives of a cat.
That’s all; Thanks!
Until the next post.